Hi James - I think you may have misread my perspective, but perhaps that's my error in how my article conveyed it. I'm not "salty" that my traditional financial education didn't necessarily prepare me to invest in digital horse NFTs. I don't know that it did or it didn't - I've been out of business school for enough years that my old textbooks are thousands of miles away on the other side of the country, and I haven't opened them since graduating and working in "traditional financial institutions" and subsequently startups.
My point here was just that I think we have a lot of people investing in shiny objects that make headlines and populate social media, without fully understanding them. And I get it - people don't want to miss out on what could be the next big thing. And maybe some of them could, but I'm just suggesting we question our investment thesis before jumping into one or another. Or perhaps that thesis is simply FOMO, and that's worth throwing some money at for some people. There's no judgment here - but hopefully that's a person's "fun money" and not the bulk of their savings or any meaningful amount for which long-term capital appreciation is vital. Because I don't think digital horse NFTs have been around long enough for anyone to prove out the long-term appreciation potential.
That said, if you know more about these alternative asset classes, would love to hear your viewpoint! I think a lot of people would, if you'd be willing to share. :)