The 3 Signs You’re Accidentally About to Sabotage Your Startup’s Success

Entrepreneurs lose millions of dollars to these entrepreneurial faux pas and character flaw-induced foibles every single day.

Rachel Greenberg
Entrepreneurship Handbook
6 min readApr 19, 2024


The 3 signs you’re accidentally about to sabotage your startup’s success. Entrepreneurs lose millions of dollars to these entrepreneurial faux pas and character flaw-induced foibles every single day.
Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

There are two distinct schools of thought when it comes to the molding of a successful entrepreneur: Entrepreneurs are born (one…



Wall Street Investment Banker → Entrepreneur & Startup Consultant. “Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2020” Yahoo Finance. CEO of Beta Bowl. Mom of 3 furbabies ❤